POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Smooth, continuous Bezier splines (again) : Re: Smooth, continuous Bezier splines (again) Server Time
12 Feb 2025 05:37:10 EST (-0500)
  Re: Smooth, continuous Bezier splines (again)  
From: William F Pokorny
Date: 29 Jan 2025 15:02:39
Message: <679a895f$1@news.povray.org>
On 1/29/25 13:27, Tor Olav Kristensen wrote:
>> Perhaps time to add an inbuilt f_bezier_cubic() to yuqk too. 🙂
> Yes, that would be nice.
> Then comes the question if adding f_bezier_quadratic() and f_bezier_quartic()
> also is a good idea.
> And then if the various derivative functions of them should be added...

I've grabbed code over time for some 2D functions I planned to call 
f_bezier_2d_quartic() and f_bezier_2d_quintic().

Do you have - or know of - 3D code for either of these?

Or for a 3D quadratic?  I might have the quadratic 3D form in my notes 
notes somewhere or in my TCL wrapper script (where I'd coded up some 
simpler spline by segment types maybe 15 years ago). I wonder if 
quadratic that useful excepting having better performance?

FYI. As yuqk inbuilt functions the convenient versions (packed vectors) 
for 3D forms would be limited to a -10 to +10 box and single float 
accuracy rather than double for the any 2D forms.

As for the derivative forms, if you have code in hand, maybe we do a few 
  near term? I don't have anything ready to go.

The question too is whether some of this 'spline stuff' better fits in 
spline{} like SDL feature - one supporting the Bezier segment control 
point forms. We can describe many segment curves, function wrap, but 
what we can do dynamically from the render time VM is limited.

Aside: Jerome coded up a bunch of spline extensions in his hgpovray38 
fork (which 'maybe' came from megapov?). I don't recall any additional 
Bezier support, but my memory is not great these days.

Bill P.

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