Le 2024-09-23 à 09:26, yesbird a écrit :
> Hi all !
> I am working on web GUI to Povray for volume visualization
> applications, using 'media' and 'df3' format. The main idea is providing
> the user with some fast WebGL-based gizmos (bounding box, grid,light
> version of volume data) for fast camera positioning like here:
> https://threejs.org/examples/?q=volume#webgl_volume_perlin
> and then making server-side high-quality rendering like here:
> https://povlab.online/?scene=dicom.pov
> Can anyone suggest how to make volume rendering faster, but without
> losing a quality ?
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> YB
The type of media used have a lot of effect. A media can be emissive,
absorbing or scattering.
Emissive media renders the fastest. They work better against a dark
background. They add to the background. They never cast any shadow and
never interact with any light_source.
Absorbing media is a close second. Work better against a light
background. They subtract from the background. They do cast shadows when
there is some light_source present. Lights never illuminate them.
Scattering media are the slowest. They need a light source that interact
with them. They subtract from the background, when there is a light,
they also add to the background.
Use the default sampling method 3. NEVER use an intervals value larger
than the default of 1, increase the sample value instead. More intervals
can cause glitches and is MUCH slower. intervals 10 samples 10 is at
least 5 times slower than just samples 200 for half the samples.
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