Le 2022-03-11 à 20:21, m@b a écrit :
> On 12/03/2022 6:30 am, Juergen wrote:
>> The problem here is that first the complete scene is covered with the
>> texture.
> Light Group Might be the solution.
> Light groups make it possible to create a union of light sources and
> objects, where the objects in the group are illuminated by the lights in
> the group or, if so desired, by the global light sources as well.
> m@
Another solution could be the use of projected_thru attribute for a light.
It create an «aperture» thru witch the light is projected. A bit like an
anti-shadow. Here, you just need a thin, untextured, box set just at the
water level.
light_group don't work with photons.
projected_thru DO work with photons.
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