Op 19-5-2021 om 08:57 schreef Thomas de Groot:
> OK, I see what you mean. I had not been aware of the problem when
> looking casually at the rendered scene and thought that was on purpose.
> I loaded terrain.pov into Poseray but apart from the fact that the
> object is showing +y pointing downwards, it seems ok. Normals are
> oriented correctly too. For good measure, I scaled the terrain by y*-1
> and saved a copy which I rendered in your scene file (taking care to
> comment-out your rotation x*180) but that did not help either. [your
> terrain looks better btw when transformed as I did].
> So, something fishy happening here. Not the mesh2 which should work (I
> know by experience). Interestingly, switching 'on' normal orientation in
> the clutter macro, resulted in an 'error in normal calculation'
> somewhere during parsing.
> I have no time to dig deeper presently, but that is as far as I got now.
> Maybe the terrain needs a finer subdivision?
I give up. I have absolutely no idea what/how clutter works exactly, and
why trace returns 0. Personally, I guess it is the macro misbehaving as
the mesh2 is sound. I don't know either why vdot or vlength are used
within the trace command. An expert is needed here.
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