POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Area light media artifact : Re: Area light media artifact Server Time
8 Dec 2024 11:24:00 EST (-0500)
  Re: Area light media artifact  
From: Mike Horvath
Date: 10 Jan 2021 05:21:03
Message: <5ffad50f$1@news.povray.org>
Turning on adaptive sampling seems to have fixed the artifacts.


On 1/10/2021 4:59 AM, Mike Horvath wrote:
> It is not due to the isosurface. It is just the thin atmosphere.
> Mike
> On 1/10/2021 4:14 AM, Mike Horvath wrote:
>> I think this actually has to do with the isosurface of the planet. I 
>> will continue to investigate.
>> Mike
>> On 1/10/2021 4:07 AM, Mike Horvath wrote:
>>> I have a space ship orbiting a planet in my scene. The space ship has 
>>> an area light in it that is visible from outside the ship through a 
>>> window.
>>> The planet has a thin atmosphere using scattering and emission media.
>>> The combination of the two causes about half the planet to appear 
>>> completely bright white. Changing the max_trace_level seems to have 
>>> no effect.
>>> Is this a precision issue? Is there a way to fix this? Thanks.
>>> Michael

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