On Fri, 19 Mar 2004 18:15:39 -0500, Breton Slivka wrote:
> Okay well, as often happens when I've got a ton of work to get done, I've
> come up with a ton of ideas that I probably won't have the opportunity to
> implement, completely unrelated to anything I have to do. Fun.
> So, I know that there's been much talk about using XML for povray scene
> description language, and a lot of sunk in povray purists will have none
> of it!
Look at a file for yaf-ray sometime, it's XML based. You'll see why it's a
bad idea.
For the sake of convience, here is an example file for the yaf-ray docs:
<shader type = "generic" name = "Default">
<color r="0.750000" g="0.750000" b="0.800000" />
<specular r="0.000000" g="0.000000" b="0.000000" />
<reflected r="0.000000" g="0.000000" b="0.000000" />
<transmitted r="0.000000" g="0.000000" b="0.000000" />
m00 = "8.532125" m01 = "0.000000" m02 = "0.000000" m03 = "0.000000"
m10 = "0.000000" m11 = "8.532125" m12 = "0.000000" m13 = "0.000000"
m20 = "0.000000" m21 = "0.000000" m22 = "8.532125" m23 = "0.000000"
m30 = "0.000000" m31 = "0.000000" m32 = "0.000000" m33 = "1.000000"
<object name = "Plane" shader_name = "Default" >
<include file = ".\Meshes\Plane.xml" />
<light type="pathlight" name="path" power= "1.000000" depth "2" samples = "16" use_QMC
= "on" cache"on" cache_size="0.008000" angle_threshold="0.200000"
shadow_threshold="0.200000" >
<camera name="Camera" resx="1024" resy="576" focal="1.015937" >
<from x="0.323759" y="-7.701275" z="2.818493" />
<to x="0.318982" y="-6.717273" z="2.640400" />
<up x="0.323330" y="-7.523182" z="3.802506" />
<filter type="dof" name="dof" focus = "7.97854234329" near_blur "10.000000" far_blur
"10.000000" scale "2.000000">
<filter type"antinoise" name"Anti Noise" radius = "1.000000" max_delta = "0.100000">
<background type = "HDRI" name = "envhdri" exposure_adjust = "1">
<filename value = "Filename.HDR" />
<render camera_name = "Camera" AA_passes = "2" AA_minsamples = "2" AA_pixelwidth =
"1.500000" AA_threshold = "0.040000"
raydepth = "5" bias = "0.300000" indirect_samples = "1" gamma = "1.000000"
exposure = "0.000000" background_name"envhdri" >
<outfile value="butterfly2.tga"/>
<save_alpha value="on"/>
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