POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : mipmapping : Re: mipmapping Server Time
20 Feb 2025 14:15:54 EST (-0500)
  Re: mipmapping  
From: tahoma
Date: 11 May 2005 14:40:22
Message: <opsqmjhjlqx5erxw@leningrad>
>> When using image_maps i could not manage to get really nice visual  

>> results  because of high sampling frequencies.
>> Is there a way to specify mipmaps in povray or can povray do it by  

>> itself?  The only interpolation schemes i found are 'bilinear' and  

>> 'normalized  distance'.
> Sorry but the fact you write this shows that you have absolutely no id

> how raytracing works and what mip-mapping is.

Exactly what does imply your opinion? Because i did ask for a feature
that seems to be nonsense in you eyes?

> I don't want to appear brusk but you should think about things and  

> inform yourself a bit better before posting something like this.

You do not appear brusk. I know that i just started to understand
raytracing (especially povray). That is a long way.
I read documentations and so on. Nevertheless it is
useful to share one's thoughts with others even when they appear to be
dumb. Thats how learning works in my opinion. If you dont want to answer

to my questions, no problem. I know i am an 'alien' at this place, but
to discourage me is maybe the wrong way.

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