POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : color modulation in textures : Re: color modulation in textures Server Time
20 Feb 2025 14:12:36 EST (-0500)
  Re: color modulation in textures  
From: tahoma
Date: 11 May 2005 14:23:11
Message: <opsqmio0xgx5erxw@leningrad>
>> I tried it and it works great but only with non uv mapped image_maps.

>> When
>> using "uv_mapping" povray complains with "The 'uv_mapping' pattern  

>> cannot
>> be used as part of a pigment function!".
> You can apply uv-mapping to the average pigment without problems.
>> Is there another way or do i have to wait for a new povray version? I

>> this
>> a features already put on the roadmap of development?
> No (at least not in the form you suggested).
>> This little feature seems so easy to implement and i wonder if nobody

>> else
>> needed it in the past 10 years :o
> The motivation for adding/changing something in POV-Ray is not if it i

> easy to implement.

Ok, it was just a thought about this problem because it is important for
at the moment. I know i am just a sandcorn in the desert :)

I come from the realtime part of the rendering world and all kind of 3D 

renderers and so on i worked with use that kind of material model:
define a diffuse color and modulate it by a diffuse image map or  

procedural map
optionally, define a specular color and modulate it by a specular image 
and so on.
So i would like to know what is the whole concept behind the povray  

model to avoid such questions.
If you have some links, documents or even the answer, i'm interested.

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