POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Looking for Water : Re: Looking for Water Server Time
27 Dec 2024 01:20:23 EST (-0500)
  Re: Looking for Water  
From: Nekar Xenos
Date: 3 Aug 2015 22:27:51
Message: <op.x2tnsmyzufxv4h@xena>
On Tue, 04 Aug 2015 00:04:37 +0200, Anthony D. Baye  

<Sha### [at] spamnomorehotmailcom> wrote:

> Le_Forgeron <lef### [at] freefr> wrote:
>> Le 03/08/2015 05:27, Anthony D. Baye a écrit :
>> > I need a water material that looks good under multiple light source

>> but doesn't
>> > bog down when I render it with radiosity.
>> >
>> > The water in my scene is taking forever to render, and I've disable

>> everything
>> > but the normal pattern.
>> >
>> > Part of the problem might be a low aa threshold combined with a sma

>> focal
>> > blur, but the rest of the scene renders acceptably quickly.
>> >
>> > I'd appreciate any help.
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > A.D.B.
>> >
>> >
>> A bit more context please: is it water for indoor (such as inside tub
>> glass, bottle) or outdoor (and kind of latitude: the sea of polynesia
>> far different from the waves of scotland, same water, yet not the sam
>> final colour).
> Right.  Because of the salts dissolved in the water.
> That said: It's nothing special.
> pigment { rgbft <1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.618> }
> finish {
>     diffuse 0.3
>     specular 0.8
>     reflection { 0.3, 1 falloff 5 }
>     conserve_energy
>     }
> normal {
>     function {
>         f_ridged_mf(x,y,z, 0.1, 3.0, 7.0, 0.7, 0.7, 2)
>         } 0.3
>     scale <4.68, 3.2, 4.68>/12
>     }
> interior {
>     ior 1.33
>     fade_distance 3
>     fade_power 2
>     fade_color rgb <0.235, 0.318, 0.618>
>     dispersion 1.016
>     dispersion_samples 10
>     }
> it's intended to be indoors, but may be lighted with external (natural

> light
> sources.  At the moment, I have six light sources surrounding it.
> I used a normal as a substitute for actual geometry (Originally, I was

> using an
> isosurface)
> my trace level is default.
> I tried commenting out the interior and the finish, to no avail, so  

> either it's
> the normal, or a combination of other things.
> @Nekar
>> Have you tried adding no_radiosity to the water?
>> --
>> -Nekar Xenos-
> it doesn't matter.  The water takes forever to render even with  

> radiosity turned
> off.
> Regards,
> A.D.B.

Maybe you could try and render the scene without the water and your focu

objects as a spherical hdri. Then use that image mapped to a sphere as i

the old MegaPov example


-Nekar Xenos-

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