POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : Any game engine out there that does blobs? : Re: Any game engine out there that does blobs? Server Time
20 Feb 2025 14:24:23 EST (-0500)
  Re: Any game engine out there that does blobs?  
From: Nekar Xenos
Date: 16 Jul 2015 13:19:29
Message: <op.x1vmemnuufxv4h@xena>
On Thu, 16 Jul 2015 15:24:02 +0200, scott <sco### [at] scottcom> wrote:

>> I would like to be able to do real-time visualizations of my paint  
>> scenes. I
>> don't know of any game engine does blobs or metaballs, but maybe  
>> some-one here
>> knows of something that could do the job.
> I don't know of any game engine that does it, but you will find some  
> examples of real-time metaballs on shadertoy.com eg:
> https://www.shadertoy.com/view/ld2GRz
> I don't know exactly what type of data you want to visualise, but you  
> might be able to edit the script (that one is fairly straightforward to  
> see how it's moving the blobs) to show your data instead.

IIRC shadertoy is only online. These days I reach my cap very quickly  
since everyone uses youtube and now I am already throttled again. My  
normal connection is between 4-10Mbps. When I'm throttled it's down to  

-Nekar Xenos-

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