<yaz### [at] gmx de> wrote:
> Hi(gh)!
> On 27.05.2013 20:15, Nekar Xenos wrote:
>> I find this very inspiring. Makes me want to continue working on my
>> BueHaria Binary planets :)
> BueHaria Binary planets? Sounds interesting... are they co-orbital or
> fact a binary system like Pluto and Charon? Would you tell us more abo
> them?
> See you in Khyberspace!
> Yadgar
I started making up this world when I first heard of binary stars and
planets in High-school. I think it must have been something I read in
Scientific American that triggered the idea. Somewhere there was mention
that the Earth and the moon could almost be a binary planet system. So
yes, like Pluto and Charon. Bueharia is a binary planet system consistin
of the planets Bu and Har.
Bue is a beautiful blue planet where plants have blue leaves (I think th
would require a method other than photosynthesis, but I don't know enoug
about biology to come up with an idea for that). Also there is lots of
gold in the soil, so walking on a golden beach would be nothing unnatura
Most animals would have 6 limbs of which 2 are normally wings. The
intelligent beings (Aliel) would have seven slender fingers of which 2 a
thumbs, 1 on each side of the hand. There are different races with skin
and hair colours ranging from cyan - blue - magenta - gold. (One could f
instance have blue skin and gold hair). Normally they weave their own ha
into clothes - without cutting it, so their hair would be one with their
clothes. The story would start in the forest age of Bue (Similar to our
stone age) where everyone lives in trees. These trees grow a natural
man-sized nest on each branch, so a new couple would search for a small
tree and plan their family according to when new nests have grown. The
atmosphere would be very thick to allow large animals to fly and
Pegasus-like creatures abound.
Har on the other hand is very much like a prison planet and used as one
later on. There is a lot of volcanic activity and the only water comes
from geysers. You can never see the horizon because of all the smoke. A
hair or feathers would be singed off because of the heat, so most life o
this planet is reptilian. War is the norm and thus there is very little
life on this planet.
-Nekar Xenos-
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