POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Funky Artists : Re: Funky Artists Server Time
10 Mar 2025 11:16:40 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Funky Artists  
From: Nekar Xenos
Date: 29 Apr 2013 15:48:03
Message: <op.wwbimcp3ufxv4h@xena>
On Mon, 29 Apr 2013 11:03:49 +0200, Kenneth <kdw### [at] gmailcom> wrote:

> "Nekar Xenos" <nek### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
>> Does it look "paintlike" enough? I'm thinking along the lines of Dali
>> meets Pollock here :)
> This just keeps getting more amazing.
> It's indeed a difficult task to try and get a 'painterly' look on a 3D  
> object.
> Your refinements are looking really good.
Thank you :)

> Dali's art has 'smooth-flowing' paint shapes IIRC, whereas Pollock's  
> 'drips' are
> much more chaotic and curvy (and on a smaller scale.) Making a synthesis  
> of the
> two is an intriguing idea. I'm wondering if your overall color_map (for  
> each
> musician) is just a single one, with a single warp{turbulence...}.

I have each part as a separate object (eg. skin, jacket, etc)
At the moment my macro works by assigning a colour to each object and a  
paint method. The paint methods are basically colour variance (adding some  
randomness to each blob) and Cyan Magenta Yellow Black seperation with  
some randomness. I am still improving on it.

The paint is not a texture, it is colored blobs traced onto the model,  
which allows me more control.

> I would
> suggest making multiple color_maps, perhaps with only one color in each  
> (and
> transparency of course), with *different* turbulences (at different  
> scales) for
> each of the colors. Overlapping all of these might produce a good hybrid  
> effect.
> I would also be curious to see what the background shadows would look  
> like if
> they came from the actual melting blob-men (rather than their intact
> counterparts.) That might add to the surrealistic quality of the image.
> Excellent work!
Thank you :)

> Now, if you could just get the big upright bass to melt and drip... ;-)
...I'll throw in one soon :)

I am also working on a system that will turn a whole scene into paint. I  
will first need to work out how to trace a pigment from a scene. I plan on  
doing this by using a height field for Red Green and Blue seperately  
together with trace.

-Nekar Xenos-

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