POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : Interdimensional slices : Re: Interdimensional slices Server Time
9 Mar 2025 17:52:02 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Interdimensional slices  
From: Nekar Xenos
Date: 23 Jul 2013 16:06:39
Message: <op.w0ox49ezufxv4h@xena>
On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 22:48:15 +0200, Nekar Xenos <nek### [at] gmailcom>  

If we take a vertical 2D slice of a tin can we get a rectangle.
If we take a horizontal 2D slice of the same tin, we get a rectangle.

So if we have a special shape that I will call a 4D Cylinder when taking  
3d slices we can get a sphere or a block depending on which direction it  
is being sliced.

So a 4d entity would tell you that that specific sphere and block are the  
same thing and any normal human being would think this 4d guy is just  
plain crazy ;)

-Nekar Xenos-

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