On Sun, 27 Mar 2011 09:27:33 +0200, Thomas de Groot
<tDOTdegroot@interdotnlanotherdotnet> wrote:
> "Robert McGregor" <rob### [at] mcgregorfineartcom> schreef in bericht
> news:web.4d8e3a38d16f200e94d713cc0@news.povray.org...
>> A similar image_pattern circular glow around the lights (or a spherical
>> density
>> media) in addition to what you have already there would really tie the
>> lights
>> into the "atmosphere" of the shot - there's quite a harsh line of
>> separation
>> from the sky in the top light.
> OK, this is the crux of my trials and errors. At the lamp locations are
> two
> spherical emission media with spherical densities. What I did however,
> and
> maybe I should attenuate that, I shifted the center of the density some
> way
> up. My intention was to deform the halo a bit like one seems to notice in
> the original: the halo is stronger below the lamp shade than above it.
> However this causes this sharp boundary you mention.
> In addition, a scattering media scatters the light cone a bit further.
I'm sure this will be corrected if you remove the spherical media at the
lights and use the method I described earlier in conjunction with
-Nekar Xenos-
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