And lo On Wed, 02 Feb 2011 18:33:41 -0000, Jim Henderson
<nos### [at] nospamcom> did spake thusly:
> On Wed, 02 Feb 2011 10:53:55 +0000, Phil Cook v2 wrote:
>> The stupid thing is that is how my box works. Supposedly the broadcaster
>> sends a start signal which when used in conjunction with the Electronic
>> Programme Guide knows that I want to record the listed 7pm programme
>> that is now starting at 7:15pm and records from 7:15-7:45. In this case
>> it relies on both the guide being updated and the signal being sent. The
>> most common complaint I have is that it starts on-time and cuts off
>> early; not by much normally, just enough to annoy.
>> As you say I don't see why this is so hard to do exactly.
> I don't either.
> Last night, my DVR said it was scheduled to record "The Daily Show" from
> 9:00 PM to 9:31 PM (which in and of itself was odd), but at 9:09 PM it
> hadn't started recording. So we watched it live (no big deal, it was
> partially buffered so we were able to go back to the beginning).
> At 9:30, it started recording, recorded exactly 1 minute, and then
> recorded the next show.
> Of course, it decided that since it was starting to record on the channel
> we were actively watching, it just skipped 5 minutes or so of the
> interview while we were watching it, so it could record the last minute
> (which was mostly credits).
> Stupid technology.
A similar thing happened with "Sherlock" on the BBC. Not just to me but to
a large group with different model PVRs. It didn't start recording until
20 minutes in. The BBc claimed it must have been the EPG at fault despite
the fact that it happily showed the programme starting at the right time.
The other problem is "Series Link" set to record on programme and it asks
if you want to record it from that point on. Did it for "FlashForward" -
recorded the main episode then the repeat the next night then the next
repeat on the other channel. Ended up with three copies. For "Malcolm in
the Middle" it'll record some, but not others. Just strange.
Phil Cook
I once tried to be apathetic, but I just couldn't be bothered
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