POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : Horrible Histories wins the Best Sketch Show at the British Comedy Awards. : Re: Horrible Histories wins the Best Sketch Show at Server Time
6 Mar 2025 22:10:50 EST (-0500)
  Re: Horrible Histories wins the Best Sketch Show at  
From: Phil Cook v2
Date: 31 Jan 2011 09:50:49
Message: <op.vp6gvck0mn4jds@phils>
And lo On Mon, 31 Jan 2011 12:29:45 -0000, Invisible <voi### [at] devnull> did
spake thusly:

> On 31/01/2011 11:44 AM, Phil Cook v2 wrote:
>> Then again are we just getting a large amount of rubbish these days?
> Otherwise known as "you're getting old". Apparently I share this  
> affliction. :-(

It's a glib answer, but is it true? I honestly don't think so - consider I
was raised with three channels BBC1 & 2 and ITV; to split into stereotypes
worthy, minority, and popular. Then the BBC needed to become 'relevant'
i.e. popular and the forgotten BBC2 used its minority status to take risks
on shows its elder sister would baulk at and ITV wouldn't want to pay for
unless they thought it a definite winner.

Then Channel 4 came along and tried to be all edgy and youth-orientated; a
combination of 2 and ITV. Then it started to mature just as Five appeared
and supped from the dregs that were left; and now the BBC is spread over
two more channels and two kids ones (discounting the news and parliament);
ITV's gained three plus a children's; Four's got at least two more as has
Five; plus all the other non-affiliated stuff. There's no extra content so
it's just being spread paper-thin over all these new channels.

> Do you remember when "soaps" were just a few nosey old women standing  
> around having a bit of a gossip? These days they have murders and  
> stabbings... I used to quite like watching Heartbeat until it turned  
> into a murder mystery / medical drama.

I have never, NEVER enjoyed soaps; they make my brain itch; fake  
purporting to be reality while obviously being fake. It's a level of  
self-deception I can't follow.

> I still contend that the intersection of Big Brother and "reality" is  
> the empty set. :-P


> Then again, maybe I'm just bitter because you can't turn on your TV any  
> more and watch science or nature programs. They just don't seem to make  
> 'em any more.

Couple of Horizon's on the BBC, the odd Attenborough, but no other than  
that it's fairly bleak.

> And I guess there's always Dave.

There's always Dave.

Phil Cook

I once tried to be apathetic, but I just couldn't be bothered

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