POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : Dettol protects: Fact? : Re: Dettol protects: Fact? Server Time
9 Mar 2025 10:23:58 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Dettol protects: Fact?  
From: Nekar Xenos
Date: 15 Nov 2010 05:53:33
Message: <op.vl7ki91vufxv4h@go-dynamite>
On Sun, 14 Nov 2010 20:06:06 +0200, Orchid XP v8 <voi### [at] devnull> wrote:

> "Fact: Germs [including the flu virus] can live on surfaces for up to  
> two days.
> Fact: Dettol kills 99.9% of gems, including the flu virus."
> Uh, yeah, erm...
> Fact: Dettol kills 99.9% of bacteria. As does vineger, bleack, salt  
> water, soap, alcohol, and actually just about anything with an  
> osmolarity different from fresh water. :-P
> Fact: Virii are not "alive" in the first place, so it is not possible to  
> "kill" them.
> It does irritate me when commercial entities pray on public anxiety and  
> ignorance to try to peddle their wares.
> And it /really/ irritates me when they pretend to be all scientific.  
> Seen any beauty products lately? Skin moisturisers have existed for over  
> a century, and they're all basically a specific mixture of water and  
> various oils. And yet, if you watch TV you see stuff like "Loreal  
> Age-Reperfect(tm) derma-active(r) hydro-therapy(tm)". All of which  
> /sounds/ really impressive and sciency, but is actually empty marketing  
> gibberish.
> On reflection, maybe the problem isn't that commercial entities try to  
> exploit people. Maybe it's that the general populus are stupid enough to  
> not see though this...

Are viruses and germs the same thing?

-Nekar Xenos-

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