POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : XBox marketplace query : XBox marketplace query Server Time
6 Mar 2025 21:20:04 EST (-0500)
  XBox marketplace query  
From: Phil Cook v2
Date: 16 Jul 2010 05:39:59
Message: <op.vfxjs2nimn4jds@phils>
Not an attempt to drive traffic to my blog honest, but the full story can  
be found here


To summarize I'm asking any XBox360 owners here -

1) Is it possible to log in online without a passcode using only the  
publicly displayed gamertag?
2) How easy is it to 'accidentally' purchase something from Marketplace in  
this case a full £20 game.

As it stands my friend's son is on the brink of forfeiting his next  
Christmas and Birthday presents unless he pays up; but as an accident it  
could lead to a slightly more lenient response and the default "Bloody  
Microsoft" outcry :-)

Phil Cook

I once tried to be apathetic, but I just couldn't be bothered

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