POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : XBox marketplace query : Re: XBox marketplace query Server Time
9 Mar 2025 10:37:33 EDT (-0400)
  Re: XBox marketplace query  
From: Phil Cook v2
Date: 21 Jul 2010 03:54:41
Message: <op.vf6n9fjrmn4jds@phils>
And lo On Mon, 19 Jul 2010 15:53:03 +0100, Darren New <dne### [at] sanrrcom>  
did spake thusly:

> Phil Cook v2 wrote:
>> Which is a problem if you've bought Gold membership using a credit card  
>> but don't want to have the ability to buy things from the marketplace.
> Indeed! I suspect it's more marketing than a technical limitation. They  
> want to make it easy to renew, possibly even automatic.

Oh yes renewal is automatic, you have to specifically turn it off. The  
question my friend now faces is can he create a new 'master' account and  
associate it with the current one? Can't seem to find the answer online  
could  it be that Microsoft just expect you to get it right first time?

Phil Cook

I once tried to be apathetic, but I just couldn't be bothered

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