POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : XBox marketplace query : Re: XBox marketplace query Server Time
6 Mar 2025 21:33:13 EST (-0500)
  Re: XBox marketplace query  
From: Phil Cook v2
Date: 19 Jul 2010 03:57:01
Message: <op.vf2y1aaxmn4jds@phils>
And lo On Fri, 16 Jul 2010 17:10:40 +0100, Darren New <dne### [at] sanrrcom>  
did spake thusly:

> Phil Cook v2 wrote:
>> http://flipc.blogspot.com/2010/07/xbox-live-and-lack-of-security.html


> The passcode is four button presses on the controller that keeps other  
> people in the house from logging in as you locally, so that big brother  
> can't (for example) mess up your saved games and high scores.

I thought this might be the case, there is another child in the house so  
it would have been possible to pass the blame to them.


>> 2) How easy is it to 'accidentally' purchase something from Marketplace  
>> in this case a full £20 game.
> Yep. If you have the means to purchase stuff, and you're not careful,  
> it'll buy it with just a couple of key presses.
> This is why, if you have kids, you put points into the system instead of  
> the credit card. Or set the kid's account to be a kid's account so they  
> can't buy with it.  Why did they give the kid the credit card?

As I suspected he's set up with the wrong account

> You can't remove the credit card that's getting billed for an active  
> subscription.

Which is a problem if you've bought Gold membership using a credit card  
but don't want to have the ability to buy things from the marketplace.  
After all the membership has been paid for in advance and the card is  
apparently being kept merely to facilitate the auto-renew ability, so why  
can't it be removed?

Thanks for that, does answer my questions.

Phil Cook

I once tried to be apathetic, but I just couldn't be bothered

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