POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Alley Sunflower Final : Re: Alley Sunflower Final Server Time
4 Feb 2025 03:04:05 EST (-0500)
  Re: Alley Sunflower Final  
From: Nekar Xenos
Date: 22 Jun 2010 01:38:24
Message: <op.veosl4ntufxv4h@xena>
On Mon, 21 Jun 2010 17:40:58 +0200, stbenge <myu### [at] hotmailcom>  

> Nekar Xenos wrote:
>> I tried putting an hdr render of this scene through the luminous bloom  
>> code and I got rather strange artifacts. The bricks had a red "wash"  
>> overlaid with horizontal white stripes. A normal png didn't get those  
>> artifacts at all.
> Hmm, could you post an example portion of the result? Or an .hdr version  
> of your image so I can try it?
> How intense are the brightest areas of light in the original image? I  
> personally wouldn't use values much higher than rgb <2,2,2> for  
> light_sources, fog and such. I know that really small (<.1) lb_exponent  
> values will increase the chance of an image developing artifacts. This  
> is made worse by values which are too bright. If this the case with your  
> scene, you probably don't want to re-render the whole thing simply to  
> make some glare. A color-normalizing file shouldn't be too difficult to  
> put together; perhaps I should consider making one. Hopefully it works.

I've used extremely high rgb (400+) values for my light source - so I  
guess that's the problem.
The first try was on the default settings and many other settings with the  
same results.

I'm quite happy with the current result without hdr.

There is one other problem: I've noticed the edge pixels don't fit in with  
the rest of the scene - but you don't notice it if the image is on a light  

-Nekar Xenos-

"The spoon is not real"

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