POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Uploaded source has dissappeared : Re: Uploaded source has dissappeared Server Time
14 Mar 2025 02:08:15 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Uploaded source has dissappeared  
From: Nekar Xenos
Date: 3 Jul 2010 02:42:21
Message: <op.ve88wrpaufxv4h@xena>
On Fri, 02 Jul 2010 16:34:49 +0200, Paolo Gibellini  
<p.g### [at] gmailcom> wrote:

>  >Nekar Xenos  on date 02/07/2010 14:12 wrote:
>> On Fri, 02 Jul 2010 13:49:43 +0200, Nekar Xenos <nek### [at] gmailcom>
>> wrote:
>>> I uploaded my source files as a zip file, when submitting my entry.
>>> Now I see there is no source file available when voting.
>>> -Nekar Xenos-
>> I also had this problem with my entry to the "space" round.
>> -Nekar Xenos-
> I hope that your sources will re-appear soon: I like a lot your image  
> and I'm curious to see the soil texture.
> ;-)
> Paolo

Here it is - just in case it doesn't get sorted out ;)

////////////////////////Begin code/////////////////////////

// First define the colours with a spline
  #declare Fract_colors =spline {linear_spline 2,<.11,.1,.09>*.001,   
7,<.15,.13,.1> };

#macro FracTex(Recursions)
      #local Count=0;

      #while (Count<Recursions)
       //rotate Count*30
       warp{turbulence .3}
       scale .5
       texture_map{[0 pigment{ rgb Fract_colors(Count)}
                      normal{crackle (Recursions-Count)*.5 slope_map {[0  
<-1,1>][.1 <1,-1>][1 <0,0>]}}

       #local Count=Count+1;

      pigment{rgb  Fract_colors(Count) }
      normal{ crackle  Count/.5 slope_map {[0 <-1,1>][.1 <1,-1>][1 <0,0>]} }

      #while (Count>0)
      #local Count=Count-1;


plane{y,0 texture{Fractex(5)}}

//////////////end code//////////////////////////

-Nekar Xenos-

"The spoon is not real"

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