And lo On Fri, 23 Apr 2010 21:24:14 +0200, Nekar Xenos
<nek### [at] gmailcom> did spake thusly:
> On Fri, 23 Apr 2010 13:21:32 +0200, Invisible <voi### [at] devnull> wrote:
>> Phil Cook v2 wrote:
>>> They're all in it together I tells ye, a vast conspiracy to let the
>>> reptile people take over and eat all our hamsters.
>> That's worryingly good.
>> Some of these people must surely be suffering from a diagnosible mental
>> condition...
> I wonder sometimes if conspiracy theories start this way. Somebody makes
> a joke about something and some-one else takes it seriously... ;-)
Though in this case the response should be "Isn't that the plot from V?"
You know you're dealing with a crackpot if they come back with "Ah that's
counter-intelligence, once someone discovers the reality it means everyone
they tell just dismisses it as 'from a TV show'". If the show pre-dates
the conspiracy then they're just being pro-active, very well-prepared, and
just shows how long they've been covering it up.
I do own some of the conspiracy books and, as Warp has pointed out, as you
read it you try to come up with a rational explanation but unless you're
already aware of it you can struggle. Luckily there's plenty on the
internet to quash these, of course that's where so many of them get
started and snowball
To paraphrase one Mr H Simpson "The internet. The cause of, and solution
to, all of life's problems"
Phil Cook
I once tried to be apathetic, but I just couldn't be bothered
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