POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : Cellphone ray-tracing? : Re: Cellphone ray-tracing? Server Time
6 Mar 2025 22:08:53 EST (-0500)
  Re: Cellphone ray-tracing?  
From: Nekar Xenos
Date: 20 Apr 2010 08:50:49
Message: <op.vbgom1dsufxv4h@go-dynamite>
On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 14:43:16 +0200, Invisible <voi### [at] devnull> wrote:

>>>> If I'm not by my PC and I have my phone with me, why not?
>>> 1. Because it will take approximately 250 years to render anything.
>>    The iPhone 3GS has a 800+ MHz CPU, so it's not exactly slow.
> I thought we were talking about the 400 MHz Nokia thing? Well anyway,  
> whatever.

Sorry, I forgot to mention it's an LG (KS360)  :P

>>> 2. Because you'd need to be able to type things.
>>    Strictly speaking, you can, even if it's a bit slower than on a  
>> full-sized
>> PC keyboard.
Mine has a qwerty keyboard, I'll never use anything else - I hate that  
double-triple clicking. (I even disabled double-click on my PC)

> In my limited experience, quite a lot slower. (Mind you, that was partly  
> due to the predictive text that couldn't be disabled...)
>>   But you could just put .pov files on the iPhone (or download them from
>> the net) and render them.
> True, but why render something that somebody else has already rendered?  
> It would seem that you'd want to make something new yourself...
>>> 3. Because the screen only has a resolution of 120x80 anyway.
>>    480x320 on the iPhone, actually. But POV-Ray has never been limited  
>> to the
>> screen resolution.
> I meant more that at such low resolutions there wouldn't be much *point*  
> to it, that's all. ;-)

Backgrounds for you cell-phone ;)

-Nekar Xenos-

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