On Tue, 04 May 2010 12:16:05 +0200, Jaime Vives Piqueres
<jai### [at] ignoranciaorg> wrote:
>> I have 4Gb Ram and I'm dual-booting WinXP 32bit and Linux Ubuntu
>> Ultimate
>> Edition 64Bit.
>> Will Pov-Ray 3.7 Beta 36 on Wine be able to use the full 4Gb RAM?
> I'm not sure as I didn't find a clear answer to this, but it seems
>> I'm a total n00b at Unix. I've installed Pov-Ray 3.6 on Linux via the
>> software manager, but I obviously can't get the beta there. I also ha
>> yet to figure out how to use Pov-Ray on Linux :)
> My preferred method is to have a file manager window showing the sc
> folder, then I open the scene/include files with my favorite editor, a
> also a terminal to type the command line:
> http://www.ignorancia.org/uploads/images/Screenshot.jpg
> If you are using nautilus as file manager, there is an additional
> package
> which adds the ability to open a terminal on the current folder: it's
> very
> useful. As for the editor, I use SciTE: it has a POV language definiti
> for
> syntax coloring, and manages *big* files pretty well.
> The typical command line would be something like:
> povray +Itest.pov +w800 +h600
> Usually you type this one time, as later you can go back on the
> command
> line history by using the keyboard arrows, change the resolution or ad
> more
> options, and render again.
> Hope this short intro helps...
Thanks for the help, Jaime.
-Nekar Xenos-
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