POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Looking for something lost on geocities closure? : Re: Looking for something lost on geocities closure? Server Time
11 Feb 2025 04:01:08 EST (-0500)
  Re: Looking for something lost on geocities closure?  
From: Hugo Arnaut
Date: 1 May 2010 18:27:54
Message: <op.vb1soycwq4w9ih@whitebishop>
On Sat, 01 May 2010 13:19:26 -0300, John VanSickle  
<evi### [at] hotmailcom> wrote:

> I went and found the files from my old GeoCities pages, but the binary  
> files (.ZIPs for my modeler and POV-Ray macros) are missing.  I had  
> migrated over to a new web host, but it was a freebie one which has  
> since vanished into a hole in the ground or something.

Did you check it recently? I just visited it and the modeler files are  
missing but the macros files are there.

BTW, I remember visiting your pages a few times in the past. Some nice  
things there, I'm glad someone preserved it :)


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