POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : Nikon D90 : Re: Nikon D90 Server Time
9 Mar 2025 18:54:07 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Nikon D90  
From: Fredrik Eriksson
Date: 27 Jun 2009 09:11:42
Message: <op.uv6plri07bxctx@e6600>
On Sat, 27 Jun 2009 14:47:09 +0200, Eero Ahonen  
<aer### [at] removethiszbxtnetinvalid> wrote:
> Orchid XP v8 wrote:
>>>> Oh, *only*... :-P
>>> Yes. After all, it's AFAIK the cheapest non-Canon CMOS -based SLR. At
>>> least it's the cheapest CMOS-based Nikon SLR.
>> I thought that was the D20...
> Can you link specs? I've never heard of such model, Nikon's web-pages
> won't show it, neither does Digiwowo.

There were some rumors a few years ago that Nikon would name their coming  
model "D20". They did not.

There was a Nikon D200, but that was not a low-end model.


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