On Sun, 17 Aug 2008 10:34:07 +0200, Chris Cason
<del### [at] deletethistoopovrayorg> wrote:
> The beta 28 windows source is up at:
> http://www.povray.org/temp/povwin-src-3.7.beta.28.zip
> I'd appreciate it if some of you could let me know the results of a
> sanity-check on it before I put it on the source download page.
A quick test compile reveals that it does not play nice with Boost 1.36.0
(released Aug 14).
When compiling 'radiosity.cpp',
'pov::Random{Int/Double}Sequence::Generator' clashes with
'boost::Generator' because the whole Boost namespace is imported into the
POV namespace with a 'using' statement. The declaration "friend class
Generator" then picks up the Boost class instead of the nested class.
It would be best to get rid of the 'using' statements, at least in header
There is also a problem in 'taskqueue.h'. Apparently the type
'boost::condition' is deprecated in favour of 'condition_variable_any'.
There is a typedef that provides the old name for backwards compatibility
, but to get it one must include 'boost/thread/condition.hpp'.
Also, the compiler (VC8) finds the use of 'IStream' and 'Rectangle' to be
ambiguous in some places, because those names are defined in Platform SDK
headers that get pulled in somewhere. A solution would be to qualify them,
i.e. 'pov_base::IStream' and 'pov_base::Rectangle'.
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