On Thu, 19 Nov 2009 12:23:03 +0100, Invisible <voi### [at] devnull> wrote:
> I'm using the following library:
> http://cairographics.org/
> Now, can *anybody* figure out what the default coordinate space is?!
> Seriously, I can't find this information anywhere in the documentation.
> Is (0,0) at the bottom-left corner? The top-left corner? Somewhere else?
> What??
> It seems this is so trivial they forgot to actually write it down. >_<
The user space coordinate system depends on the device space coordinate
system. By default, the mapping between them is an identity transformation.
I think most device spaces have (0,0) in the upper left corner, but I am
not sure if that is a requirement or a coincidence.
No, I did not figure this out by reading the Cairo documentation, which
seems to consist mostly of Doxygen-style pseudo-docs.
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