On 2 Apr 2008 06:34:59 -0500, Michael Zier <mic### [at] mirizide> wrote:
>Am Wed, 02 Apr 2008 10:45:08 +0100 schrieb Invisible:
>> volition anyway; it's not like it requires a *force* to drive them or
>> anything...
>Well, strictly spoken no. Newtons first law applies to electrons too...
>(Think of Vacuum tubes, particle accelerators, synchrotron storage ring
>although with these electrons lose energy simply by getting accelerated
>*radially* [to remain on cirular course], and by some magic not covered
>by mechanics, they lose energy through radiation, which is the whole
>point of synchrotrons)
I think Invisible was being ironic.
But why do you say "synchrotron storage ring although with these
electrons lose energy simply by getting accelerated *radially*"?
Why lose energy not gain energy? They are being accelerated is it
considered a negative acceleration?
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