POV-Ray : Newsgroups : moray.win : [Announce]: POVInclude Version 1.1.1 - Browse dialog choices Server Time
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  [Announce]: POVInclude Version 1.1.1 - Browse dialog choices (Message 1 to 5 of 5)  
From: Neil Kolban
Subject: [Announce]: POVInclude Version 1.1.1 - Browse dialog choices
Date: 27 Dec 2004 13:00:49
Message: <41d04dd1$1@news.povray.org>
I have heard the reports about the Browse dialog not working.  I have posted
Version 1.1.1 which now should resolve the issue.


Moray provides a file browse dialog.  This dialog can also add selected
entries into the File Path supplied to POV-Ray.  From V1.0 to V1.1 I changed
to use this capability.  It looks like I have something wrong here but, as
is always the case, it works on my machine.  To resolve the issue (in the
short term), I have switched back to a basic file selection dialog BUT
retained the option for using the Moray dialog through a check box in the
advanced settings.  I'd love to hear if it works for anyone else but me.
Try switching on the check box and selecting Browse and let me know.


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From: leseur sylvain
Subject: Re: [Announce]: POVInclude Version 1.1.1 - Browse dialog choices
Date: 27 Dec 2004 13:45:58
Message: <41d05866@news.povray.org>
Bravo Neil
That's working with Xp and Millennium
except with FullMoon.
There is a really incompatibility between FullMoon
and PovInclude. I can help you more sorry.

> Folks,
> I have heard the reports about the Browse dialog not working.  I have
> Version 1.1.1 which now should resolve the issue.
> http://www.kolban.com/3d/POVInclude.htm
> Technical:
> Moray provides a file browse dialog.  This dialog can also add selected
> entries into the File Path supplied to POV-Ray.  From V1.0 to V1.1 I
> to use this capability.  It looks like I have something wrong here but, as
> is always the case, it works on my machine.  To resolve the issue (in the
> short term), I have switched back to a basic file selection dialog BUT
> retained the option for using the Moray dialog through a check box in the
> advanced settings.  I'd love to hear if it works for anyone else but me.
> Try switching on the check box and selecting Browse and let me know.
> Neil

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From: StephenS
Subject: Re: [Announce]: POVInclude Version 1.1.1 - Browse dialog choices
Date: 27 Dec 2004 16:25:47
Message: <41d07ddb@news.povray.org>
> I have heard the reports about the Browse dialog not working.  I have
> Version 1.1.1 which now should resolve the issue.
Both browse options work on my system.
I prefer the Moray dialog,

Win98se, Moray 9330


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From: Neil Kolban
Subject: Re: [Announce]: POVInclude Version 1.1.1 - Browse dialog choices
Date: 27 Dec 2004 17:00:46
Message: <41d0860e$1@news.povray.org>
Stephen (and others),

V1.1.1 is still the current release with the default Browse dialog being a
"plain old" file chooser style.  As I worked through the tests this
afternoon I think I found and cured the bug that prevented usage on other
folks systems.  From a technical perspective, I was supposed to supply an
initial file name that would be shown in the dialog as a default.  I had
failed to do that which meant that "any old junk" was showing up.  I have
fixed it in the base code now but have not yet released.  I am holding off
until some more comments/suggestions come in.  I don't think its nice of me
to keep releasing this every time I fix something small but if that is what
y'all want, I'll be happy to accommodate.  Doesn't take me long to upload.

Now I await feature/function requests otherwise I will consider it


"StephenS" <sshonfield(at)ottawa(dot)net> wrote in message
> ...
> > I have heard the reports about the Browse dialog not working.  I have
> posted
> > Version 1.1.1 which now should resolve the issue.
> ...
> Both browse options work on my system.
> I prefer the Moray dialog,
> Win98se, Moray 9330
> Stephen

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From: Steve Shelby
Subject: Re: [Announce]: POVInclude Version 1.1.1 - Browse dialog choices
Date: 27 Dec 2004 17:29:58
Message: <41d08ce6@news.povray.org>
"Neil Kolban" <kol### [at] kolbancom> wrote in message 
> Folks,
> I have heard the reports about the Browse dialog not working.  I have 
> posted
> Version 1.1.1 which now should resolve the issue.
That works now on my system (XP). Now if you could just activate the "Files 
of type" box. :^}>
Steve Shelby

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