POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : camera usage (correct aspect ratio) : Re: camera usage (correct aspect ratio) Server Time
18 Feb 2025 18:03:32 EST (-0500)
  Re: camera usage (correct aspect ratio)  
From: Matthew Pace
Date: 27 Oct 2003 20:37:43
Message: <matt-pace-F76DE9.17374227102003@netplex.aussie.org>
> right image_width/image_height*x
> This way you get the aspect ratio needed. You just had it opposite based on
> what you stated above. Maybe you missed this variation?
> If that wasn't the reason you found to do this correctly the other thing
> that matters here is the image output resolution needs to match at least the
> aspect ratio. So... if image_height=480 and image_width=640, dividing them
> makes 1.333333 for the aspect ratio, then you could conceivably use any
> other such resolution for the image output size as long as keeping the same
> ratio. Anyway, it's height divided by width for 'right'.

Ok, thanks for the corrected version, I will try it out.  Can you 
clarify what the second part is?  Do you mean that if I start a scene at 
640x480, I could render the image at 800x600 and have it look the same 
(except bigger), but if i were to render it the second time at 500x250 , 
it would come out distorted?

thanks for your help,

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