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From: St 
Subject: Confirmation email
Date: 3 Jul 2007 01:19:08
Message: <4689dc4c@news.povray.org>
Folks, could anyone tell me if they DID receive a confirmation email when 
registering with the TC-RTC?

 Apparently, this should have been working from the start, but there seems 
to be some kind of blockage happening, although, I watched it working 
perfectly in front of me yesterday.


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From: Markus Altendorff
Subject: Re: Confirmation email
Date: 3 Jul 2007 04:10:07
Message: <468a045f$1@news.povray.org>
St. schrieb:
> Folks, could anyone tell me if they DID receive a confirmation email when 
> registering with the TC-RTC?
>  Apparently, this should have been working from the start, but there seems 
> to be some kind of blockage happening, although, I watched it working 
> perfectly in front of me yesterday.

I remember not receiving any confirmation, and asking if my account was 
successfully created, but that was some time ago.

Actually, i'm not sure if i did save my login info at all... (d'oh). 
Need to check once i'm back from work to see, else i'll need my login 
info re-sent (again...)


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From: dbott
Subject: Re: Confirmation email
Date: 3 Jul 2007 09:53:08
Message: <468a54c4$1@news.povray.org>
No, did not receive a confirmation email when registering with the TC-RTC.


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From: Marc Schimmler
Subject: Re: Confirmation email
Date: 3 Jul 2007 14:32:45
Message: <468a964d@news.povray.org>
St. schrieb:
> Folks, could anyone tell me if they DID receive a confirmation email when 
> registering with the TC-RTC?
>  Apparently, this should have been working from the start, but there seems 
> to be some kind of blockage happening, although, I watched it working 
> perfectly in front of me yesterday.
>      ~Steve~

I did not receive a mail


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From: Markus Altendorff
Subject: Re: Confirmation email
Date: 3 Jul 2007 18:59:47
Message: <468ad4e3$1@news.povray.org>
> St. wrote:
 >> Folks, could anyone tell me if they DID receive a 
confirmation email
 >> when registering with the TC-RTC?

Markus Altendorff wrote:

> Need to check once i'm back from work to see, else i'll need my login 
> info re-sent (again...)

No, could patch it all together from the mail back-and-forth 
we had in March (?).

There's already been a winner announced? Wasn't that 
supposed to take a week or two? :)

Oh, and some ideas for the website: "Next"/"Previous" 
buttons on the "view image" page would be nice.

Showing the images scaled-down is nice, but actually scaling 
down and creating a thumbnail for them that's less than 300 
kB each may be even nicer :)

And let's not forget the second category "animations" :) 
from hearsay, i learned that there are already entries 
waiting :)


P.S. Hoo boy, i don't think all those ":)" remarks are going 
to be as funny as they seem to me now once i regain 
consciousness tomorrow morning... ;)

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From: St 
Subject: Re: Confirmation email
Date: 4 Jul 2007 02:30:03
Message: <468b3e6b$1@news.povray.org>
"Markus Altendorff" <maa### [at] anthrosphinxde> wrote in message 
> > St. wrote:
> >> Folks, could anyone tell me if they DID receive a
> confirmation email
> >> when registering with the TC-RTC?
> Markus Altendorff wrote:
>> Need to check once i'm back from work to see, else i'll need my login 
>> info re-sent (again...)
> No, could patch it all together from the mail back-and-forth we had in 
> March (?).

     Yep, I remember.  :o)

> There's already been a winner announced? Wasn't that supposed to take a 
> week or two? :)

    Yes, but apparently, that's harder to implement at the moment (which I 
didn't know). I want it so that the winner is chosen one week after the 
deadline, and that's the way it's going to be. But for now, I'm not *too* 
bothered as I think those images are all equal. (My opinion only). It should 
be corrected for the end of this next topic and animations.

> Oh, and some ideas for the website: "Next"/"Previous" buttons on the "view 
> image" page would be nice.

     Good idea. This will be done.

> Showing the images scaled-down is nice, but actually scaling down and 
> creating a thumbnail for them that's less than 300 kB each may be even 
> nicer :)

     YIKES! Damn Broadband! Well spotted Markus! They loaded so quick for 
me, I didn't bother looking. Ok, this will be sorted.

> And let's not forget the second category "animations" :) from hearsay, i 
> learned that there are already entries waiting :)

      Oh, this will be implemented before the end of July that's for sure. 
:o)  I wouldn't and won't let you down on this.

> -Markus
> P.S. Hoo boy, i don't think all those ":)" remarks are going to be as 
> funny as they seem to me now once i regain consciousness tomorrow 
> morning... ;)

   On the contrary Markus, you've been a great help. Thank you.


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From: St 
Subject: Re: Confirmation email
Date: 4 Jul 2007 02:35:04
Message: <468b3f98@news.povray.org>
> No, did not receive a confirmation email when registering with the TC-RTC.

> Darin

> I did not receive a mail

> marc

  Thank you Marc and Darin, my request was just to confirm that no-one 
received an email, and this was the case. Anyway, it's working now. :o)


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From: Markus Altendorff
Subject: Re: Confirmation email
Date: 4 Jul 2007 05:14:04
Message: <468b64dc$1@news.povray.org>
St. wrote:
> "Markus Altendorff" <maa### [at] anthrosphinxde> wrote in message 
>> Showing the images scaled-down is nice, but actually scaling down and 
>> creating a thumbnail for them that's less than 300 kB each may be even 
>> nicer :)
>      YIKES! Damn Broadband! Well spotted Markus! They loaded so quick for 
> me, I didn't bother looking. Ok, this will be sorted.

(warning: OT following ;)

Nice to hear. Man, i thought i had broadband. Imagine my frustration 
that someone has a bigger broadband than me :)

I'm feeling inadequate.


Gotta order me a big fat computer instead.

Ooops, did that yesterday... :)

Hope it arrives on time to be helpful for my animation... the biggest 
scene planned has four characters in it, and "us" abstraction-impaired 
(read: using point-clicky-mouse-thing for 3d instead of doing it 
properly with pen, paper and slide rule ;) tend to use up all available 
CPU and then some...

(quoted from memory and userfriendly.org : (character is playing Unreal 
on some older machine) "Is this some kind of slideshow?" ;)


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From: St 
Subject: Re: Confirmation email
Date: 4 Jul 2007 09:06:28
Message: <468b9b54$1@news.povray.org>
"Markus Altendorff" <maa### [at] panoramasde> wrote in message 
> St. wrote:
>> "Markus Altendorff" <maa### [at] anthrosphinxde> wrote in message

>>      YIKES! Damn Broadband! Well spotted Markus! They loaded so quick for 
>> me, I didn't bother looking. Ok, this will be sorted.
> (warning: OT following ;)
> Nice to hear. Man, i thought i had broadband. Imagine my frustration that 
> someone has a bigger broadband than me :)

     Well, I've got a max of 8Mb's this end, but it's usually 6-7Mb's, and 
sometimes less than 5.

> I'm feeling inadequate.
> *sigh*

     Yeah, I felt like that when I was on dialup. I actually plugged my 
dialup connection back in a few weeks ago just to see what it was like 
again, and man, am I SO glad that I got BB!  :o)

> Gotta order me a big fat computer instead.
> Ooops, did that yesterday... :)

> Hope it arrives on time to be helpful for my animation... the biggest 
> scene planned has four characters in it, and "us" abstraction-impaired 
> (read: using point-clicky-mouse-thing for 3d instead of doing it properly 
> with pen, paper and slide rule ;) tend to use up all available CPU and 
> then some...

  Oh, isn't it a great feeling when it's all set up and running and all 
shiny new! You don't want to breathe on the thing, let alone touch it! :o)

> (quoted from memory and userfriendly.org : (character is playing Unreal on 
> some older machine) "Is this some kind of slideshow?" ;)

   Ooo, sounds good!


> -M

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From: St 
Subject: Re: Confirmation email
Date: 4 Jul 2007 09:06:29
Message: <468b9b55@news.povray.org>
"St." <dot### [at] dotcom> wrote in message news:468b3f98@news.povray.org...

> Anyway, it's working now. :o)

   Hmm, apparently, it was *my* ISP, Tiscali, blocking the emails somewhere 
along the line.


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