POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.general : TC-RTC: Results for the January/April 2014 Challenge Star Server Time
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  TC-RTC: Results for the January/April 2014 Challenge Star (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: TC-RTC: Results for the January/April 2014 Challenge Star
Date: 1 May 2014 08:02:22
Message: <536237ce$1@news.povray.org>
Hi all,

The final results for the Challenge Star have been verified, 
recalculated, and reverified. This was necessary as one participant 
failed to vote for all the uploaded images. So we are happy to announce 
the following list:

1	mcgregor	Starfruit Vanitas		733
2	SeanDay		Starfish			721
3	ThomdeG		Supernova			630
4	DrNo		A star is born			621
5	septime		Confluence			613
6	JuuG		Toward the 12th Star		592
7	DrNo		Starry				585
8	FractRacer	End of a star			580
9	jhul		Star Trails			579
10	DrNo		I shot the sheriff		573
11	lequenne	A faster then light trip	571
12	jhul		my God � it's full of stars!	556
13	JuuG		Stargate Andromeda		538
14	DrNo		Death Star			532
15	DrNo		Exposure			525
16	LeForgeron	Hedron again			524
17	lequenne	midnight kiss			523
18	ianm123		TELSTAR				521
19	DrNo		Pentastar			511
20	FractRacer	Nova_Wings			510
21	JuuG		Starship Eridanus		497
22	CubicApoc	Nova Solaris			486

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all who participated and/or 

Thomas & Stephen

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From: FractRacer
Subject: Re: TC-RTC: Results for the January/April 2014 Challenge Star
Date: 2 May 2014 17:08:13
Message: <5364093d$1@news.povray.org>
Le 01/05/2014 14:02, Thomas de Groot a écrit :
> Hi all,
> The final results for the Challenge Star have been verified,
> recalculated, and reverified. This was necessary as one participant
> failed to vote for all the uploaded images. So we are happy to announce
> the following list:
> 1    mcgregor    Starfruit Vanitas        733
> 2    SeanDay        Starfish            721
> 3    ThomdeG        Supernova            630
> 4    DrNo        A star is born            621
> 5    septime        Confluence            613
> 6    JuuG        Toward the 12th Star        592
> 7    DrNo        Starry                585
> 8    FractRacer    End of a star            580
> 9    jhul        Star Trails            579
> 10    DrNo        I shot the sheriff        573
> 11    lequenne    A faster then light trip    571
> 12    jhul        my God � it's full of stars!    556
> 13    JuuG        Stargate Andromeda        538
> 14    DrNo        Death Star            532
> 15    DrNo        Exposure            525
> 16    LeForgeron    Hedron again            524
> 17    lequenne    midnight kiss            523
> 18    ianm123        TELSTAR                521
> 19    DrNo        Pentastar            511
> 20    FractRacer    Nova_Wings            510
> 21    JuuG        Starship Eridanus        497
> 22    CubicApoc    Nova Solaris            486
> Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all who participated and/or
> voted.
> Thomas & Stephen

Congratulations to Robert Mac Gregor, a actual monument in the Pov-Ray 
scene. For the next round I hope the king will be dethrone (lol).


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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: TC-RTC: Results for the January/April 2014 Challenge Star
Date: 3 May 2014 03:13:48
Message: <5364972c$1@news.povray.org>
On 2-5-2014 23:10, FractRacer wrote:

> Congratulations to Robert Mac Gregor, a actual monument in the Pov-Ray
> scene. For the next round I hope the king will be dethrone (lol).

Robert's work is remarkable indeed and difficult to - at least - equal. 
So, abandon your vain hopes, and despair! :-)


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