TC-RTC: Elements of Geology - short time-out (Message 1 to 3 of 3)
From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: TC-RTC: Elements of Geology - short time-out
Date: 15 Jun 2013 03:34:49
Message: <51bc1919$>
The May/August Stills Challenge: Elements of Geology, remains active
through the short time-out period June 15th to June 30th. This is due to
the transitional phase of site rebuilding.
*Wait for uploading images till July 1st.*
*Please note that images already uploaded need unfortunately to be
uploaded again.*
Do not vote for the images at this stage. It you do, your votes will be
ignored. Proper voting for the Challenge must wait till August 17th.
At the drawing board!
Stephen & Thomas, TC-RTC Administrators
From: Shay
Subject: Re: TC-RTC: Elements of Geology - short time-out
Date: 31 Jul 2013 15:59:53
Message: <51f96cb9$>
What is the last day to upload images?
"Thomas de Groot" wrote in message news:51bc1919$
The May/August Stills Challenge: Elements of Geology, remains active
through the short time-out period June 15th to June 30th. This is due to
the transitional phase of site rebuilding.
*Wait for uploading images till July 1st.*
*Please note that images already uploaded need unfortunately to be
uploaded again.*
Do not vote for the images at this stage. It you do, your votes will be
ignored. Proper voting for the Challenge must wait till August 17th.
At the drawing board!
Stephen & Thomas, TC-RTC Administrators
From: Stephen
Subject: Re: TC-RTC: Elements of Geology - short time-out
Date: 31 Jul 2013 16:46:23
Message: <51f9779f$>
On 31/07/2013 8:59 PM, Shay wrote:
> What is the last day to upload images?
Hmm! A bit of confusion here. I think it is Midnight of the 17th of
August. Whether that is GMT or BST, I am not too sure. It should be 15
days before the end of the month.
Sorry Shay but this is not under our control yet. Although it soon will be.
Soon come man, as our Jamaican friends say.