POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.animations : irtc <new post> ??? Server Time
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  irtc <new post> ??? (Message 1 to 6 of 6)  
From: dbott
Subject: irtc <new post> ???
Date: 8 Jul 2007 01:56:28
Message: <46907c8c$1@news.povray.org>
? Has anyone checked the old irtc site? The POV-Ray Webmaster has posted an
update.  ?

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From: Markus Altendorff
Subject: Re: irtc <new post> ???
Date: 8 Jul 2007 17:07:17
Message: <46915205@news.povray.org>
dbott wrote:
> ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
> ???
> ? Has anyone checked the old irtc site? The POV-Ray Webmaster has posted an
> update.  ?

Hey, thanks! I usually check it once a week, but missed it. 
This is nice to hear, though i guess i'll complete my "Black 
Robe" contribution to tc-rtc anyway :)

(that is, once i get to actually model + animate. I'm still 
drawing a pencil storyboard to figure out how long the 
sequences will be and how it'll fit into the size limit...)


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From: dbott
Subject: Re: irtc <new post> ???
Date: 8 Jul 2007 22:02:23
Message: <4691972f$1@news.povray.org>
Hey Markus -
I hope you do complete "The Black Robe" I look forward to seeing what you
come up with.
I was very motivated to complete mine early. Since, I work alot in the
summer months.
Steve has put alot of work in the new web site, but no mention of animations
(not that
I am going to submit early). I would  just like to see some kind of dialog
on animations.
It would make me feel better.

Have a good day

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From: St 
Subject: Re: irtc <new post> ???
Date: 9 Jul 2007 05:20:56
Message: <4691fdf8$1@news.povray.org>
"dbott" <dbo### [at] eastsoundsuitescom> wrote in message 
>  but no mention of animations
> (not that
> I am going to submit early). I would  just like to see some kind of dialog
> on animations.
> It would make me feel better.

     Well, I have already mentioned it in reply to Markus - animations will 
be up-and-running very soon.


> Have a good day
> Darin

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From: dbott
Subject: Re: irtc <new post> ???
Date: 9 Jul 2007 09:53:18
Message: <46923dce$1@news.povray.org>
Thank You Steve -
You are bringing irtc back to life. I am not trying to rag on you, just
being a squeaky
wheel.    Thank you again  -  Darin

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From: St 
Subject: Re: irtc <new post> ???
Date: 9 Jul 2007 18:26:08
Message: <4692b600$1@news.povray.org>
"dbott" <dbo### [at] eastsoundsuitescom> wrote in message 
> Thank You Steve -
> You are bringing irtc back to life. I am not trying to rag on you, just
> being a squeaky
> wheel.    Thank you again  -  Darin

  Hey, Darin, it's ok, really.  :o)

   Look, (all), I can't say too much at this point, but what I have planned 
as regards to the TC-RTC is, well, let's just say *good* for everyone, and 
in particular, (but not discounting others), POV-Ray users.

   You know, one of my old bosses said to me once, "Steve, don't jump into 
'that' water, you don't know what's below it". He said that in reference to 
all kinds of ideas I had for the job that I was in at the time; Signwriting 
and screen printing. I was 18 and busting to conquer the world.  ;)

   But, you know, he was right. In my later years, I learnt the hard way. 
:o/  Which was good.  :o)

     Let it flow its natural course. It will be ok.


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