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I cannot play wellcome.mpg . My viewer says it falls outside the
standard. Good thing I'm not a judge this round..........
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Actually, I couldn't see ndclk or h20fall either with the built-in
microsoft video viewer.
I think the IRTC/povray.org community needs to do something about a
standard for viewing and composing MPG's.
Consider two scenarios, one where a fraction of the community lacks
bleeding edge viewers, another where a fraction lacks bleeding edge mpeg
compilers. The bleeding-edgers ought to ease back to a more common
1) Microsoft, as they have done elsewhere, added "functionality" to the
base MPG player which really means it's impossible to see it unless it's
done with some kind of MS-owned video composer. Consider an analogy to
web browsers--it would be kind of like inserting HTML and vcards into
every page--some users will have no problem, but our unix-based friends
would be left out in the cold. If this scenario were true, then the
hopefully freeware, to enable our MS-based friends to participate as
full members of the community.
2) MS's video player is fine, kind of like a bare-bones unix-based web
browser. However, there are some substandard mpeg compilers out there
that fall outside the known standard, or a common freeware package
commonly fails to meet the standard unless software swich xyz is
pulled. Perhaps something exists like a standard MPG-1.0a, which 90%
of users can see, whereas a standard of MPG-1 could be seen by 100% of
the people. If this scenario were true, then the povray.org community
Just don't say "I saw those videos just fine."
It is like saying "I saw the newsgroup postings fine" to someone whose
web browser just shut down from HTML & Vcards in a newsgroup.
"Greg M. Johnson" wrote:
> I cannot play wellcome.mpg . My viewer says it falls outside the
> standard. Good thing I'm not a judge this round..........
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I second the motion heartily,
Regards, Sander
Greg M. Johnson <gre### [at] my-dejanews com> schreef in berichtnieuws
> Actually, I couldn't see ndclk or h20fall either with the built-in
> microsoft video viewer.
> I think the IRTC/povray.org community needs to do something about a
> standard for viewing and composing MPG's.
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"Greg M. Johnson" wrote:
> Actually, I couldn't see ndclk or h20fall either with the built-in
> microsoft video viewer.
I had this problem for the Games round a while back. It turns out
that old versions of MS's media viewers were not 100% MPEG-1 compliant.
I upgraded and the problems went away.
It appears that your viewer was written with the assumption that every
file fed to it would be sized in multiples of 16 pixels in each
direction (ie, full macroblocks). The MPEG-1 standard does not require
this, and therefore any viewer that does is not 100% MPEG-compliant.
A viewer should be able to handle anything that a 100%-compliant
encoder throws at it.
> I think the IRTC/povray.org community needs to do something about a
> standard for viewing and composing MPG's.
They did. They suggested 320x240.
The files passed the integrity check used by the entry bot. If the
checker is passing bad files, it should be fixed. If the bot is not
passing bad files, then the fault is in the viewers, and they should
be replaced.
> Just don't say "I saw those videos just fine."
> It is like saying "I saw the newsgroup postings fine" to someone whose
> web browser just shut down from HTML & Vcards in a newsgroup.
HTML in a newsgroup message is annoying, but any news reader that craps
out because of it is buggy and needs fixin'.
ICQ: 46085459
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Greg M. Johnson wrote in message <3973002D.2533D36F@my-dejanews.com>...
>If this scenario were true, then the
>hopefully freeware, to enable our MS-based friends to participate as
>full members of the community.
I use a freeware program called "Display", available from the SimTel
archives, that will display any MPEG-1 movie. However, since it is a DOS
program and I'm running it under Windows, it won't play sound. This
shouldn't matter for the IRTC, since sound is not supposed to be a
consideration for the competition. Since the source code is available, it
should be possible to make a Linux/Unix port of the program.
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Mark Wagner wrote:
> I use a freeware program called "Display", available from the SimTel
> archives, that will display any MPEG-1 movie. However, since it is a DOS
> program and I'm running it under Windows, it won't play sound. This
> shouldn't matter for the IRTC, since sound is not supposed to be a
> consideration for the competition. Since the source code is available, it
> should be possible to make a Linux/Unix port of the program.
> Mark
You can find Display at either of these sites though the second one
is the closest thing you will find to a home page for the program.
Ken Tyler - 1400+ POV-Ray, Graphics, 3D Rendering, and Raytracing Links:
http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/index.html http://www.povray.org/links/
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The Display program below is about a quarter solution, as it enabled me to see
h20fall.mpg, but it took way too many keystrokes for this non-unix- programmer
spoiled by GUI's, and the colors were not right.
Ken wrote:
> Mark Wagner wrote:
> > I use a freeware program called "Display", available from the SimTel
> > archives, that will display any MPEG-1 movie. However, since it is a DOS
> > program and I'm running it under Windows, it won't play sound. This
> > shouldn't matter for the IRTC, since sound is not supposed to be a
> > consideration for the competition. Since the source code is available, it
> > should be possible to make a Linux/Unix port of the program.
> >
> > Mark
> You can find Display at either of these sites though the second one
> is the closest thing you will find to a home page for the program.
> http://www.sumrallworks.com/freebies/buttonhole/multimedia/avi/editor.htm
> http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Hills/6744/
> --
> Ken Tyler - 1400+ POV-Ray, Graphics, 3D Rendering, and Raytracing Links:
> http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/index.html http://www.povray.org/links/
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