St. wrote:
> Seriously, everything is A/ok.
Let's hope so. I must admit I've not yet modelled as much
new (and necessary) objects for my animation idea as i had
hoped because i got stuck refining existing models
instead... (been leafing through Koenigsmarck's tutorials
again, and couldn't resist tweaking face polygons...)
Added some more teeth (now six up front, which actually is
non-human if you try to fit the canines into the picture,
but seems to look more "natural" (cough) ;) and fixed the
arrangement into something a little less of a straight line.
Also had phong shading off, too. D'oh.
And, another spaceship type added to the arsenal:
(added some more detail since this version)
Lessons learned:
- adding/removing polygons kills the guide placement of
Cinema4D's hair generator. Whoops. Didn't expect that to happen.
- Save. Document. Now. Or else...
Oh, regarding TC-RTC website: is it intentional that members
can (pre-)view uploaded entries during the timeframe?
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