POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.animations : April 30th approaching... : Re: April 30th approaching... Server Time
8 Feb 2025 10:01:59 EST (-0500)
  Re: April 30th approaching...  
From: St 
Date: 27 Apr 2007 00:30:33
Message: <46317c69$1@news.povray.org>
"Greg M. Johnson" <pte### [at] thecommononethatstartswithYcom> wrote in 
message news:46315014@news.povray.org...

> I personally think LOOONNG contest rounds may discourage some who may fear
> looking bad in comparison to someone who has the time to put in a full 4.0
> months of evenings into a project.

        I disagree with that Greg. We all know how hard it is to even 
complete a still image, let alone an animation. I think when new people see 
the quality that will be involved, they will be glad of the 4 months to at 
least get something done. That's the challenge.

> I wouldda moved us to 2.

   I understand Markus' earlier point about this in another thread. Two 
months is just too short to produce quality, and quality is definately 
what's needed to get those newbies interested. I think they'll be glad to 
have four months.

    And anyway, who's to say that there won't be a 'one week' or 'one month' 
animation challenge too?  ;)


> Markus Altendorff wrote:
>> ... how's tracing?
>> Anyone working on the interim "Space Settelement" animation topic?

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