POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Layered transparency : Layered transparency Server Time
2 Nov 2024 15:26:53 EDT (-0400)
  Layered transparency  
From: Wouter Verhelst
Date: 19 Jan 2004 14:28:58
Message: <fontd1-bqa.ln1@worldmusic.grep.be>

I'm trying to create a wall with a graffiti image on it. To that
end, I downloaded a grafitti image from a website, converted it to a
.png, made some part of it transparent, and layered it over a brick
pattern. That didn't work, however; the transparent pixels in the .png
caused the brick pattern to become transparent as well.

Thus, I converted the .png to a .gif, and would want to use the
transmit bitmap modifier to get the desired effect, but I can't seem
to guess the right color number, and I'm reluctant to try all 256
possibilities; I'm not even sure whether what I'm doing is the right

Could any kind soul tell me what the best way to layer a
partially-transparent image map over a patterned pigment is? And if
I'm doing the best possible thing with those "transmit" modifiers, how
I can efficiently determine the right color index to make it work?


Wouter Verhelst
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"So is my neck, stop it anyway!"
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