Wasn't it BorisW37 who wrote:
>Is there an inc file out there, or a feature already included in Pov-Ray
>that would let me easily make a Ribbon of a certain thickness and width
>turned into a spiral with a certain radius and a set pitch. If you are
>confused think of the DNA double helix, and the twisting ribbon. There are
>2 of them in DNA, but i just need 1
You could use a f_helix1 isosurface, like this:
isosurface {
function { f_helix1(x,y,z,1,5,0.01,0.3,30,0,0) }
max_gradient 1.5
accuracy 0.00001
contained_by {box {-<0.31,1,0.31>,<0.31,1,0.31>}}
pigment {rgb x}
The parameters I've used in f_helix1() after the x,y,z are
1 Number of helixes (e.g. 2 for DNA double helix)
5 Period (number of turns per unit length/2Pi)
0.01 Half-thickness of ribbon
0.3 Radius of the helix
30 Ratio of ribbon width to thickness
0 Cross section shape (0=square, 1=circle, 2=diamond)
0 Cross section rotation
The x and z parameters in the size of the box container need to be at
least (Radius of helix) + (Half-thickness of ribbon) to avoid clipping.
If you want a thicker ribbon, with the same width you should decrease
the (Ratio of ribbon width to thickness), and increase the size of the
container box.
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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