POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : Cloth falling onto a sphere - ml_cloth1.m1v : Re: Cloth falling onto a sphere - ml_cloth1.m1v Server Time
5 Nov 2024 03:14:50 EST (-0500)
  Re: Cloth falling onto a sphere - ml_cloth1.m1v  
From: Michael Langton
Date: 25 May 2000 07:20:32
Message: <co2qiscv9lkncdds6j87eigkef9jbj05ie@4ax.com>
>WONDERFUL, I am quite impress.
>But I don't understand something: You modify the shape of
>your mesh inside povray OR with another soft and you use 
>povray to render this serie of mesh?
The mesh (for every frame) is generated entirely in the external
program.  All my pov script does is #include a file based on the
current clock value - there is a separate inc file for each frame, and
yes, they take up a lot of space, ~1mb each(!).

-- Michael Langton

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