In article <3ee33ba1$1@news.povray.org>,
Lutz-Peter Hooge <lpv### [at] gmxde> wrote:
> > distribute the levels more densely at the lower intensities. I'm not
> > sure what you're trying to do using them for a height field or
> > isosurface,
> A highly detailed heightfield uses lot of memory.
> My idea was to use a image for the rough structure and add the little
> details as functions.
That still doesn't explain why you chose the HDR format. They're for
storing color data with a high dynamic range, a feature that is entirely
useless for height fields.
> > if you want more precision you should just use a 16 bit
> > image.
> As already said, that doesn't work, the only place where 16bit seems
> to be supported (with the special TGA format and PNG) are heightfields.
Did you use a grayscale image? When I was poking through that code, I
saw code for loading 16 bit grayscale, but I don't recall seeing 16-bit
RGB. And did you make sure to use bilinear interpolation?
BTW, the TGA format *is* supported, but image maps load it as an
ordinary color TGA, because that's what it is. You need to use .hf to
get a grayscale value computed from the red and green channels:
#declare MyHFImgFn = function {pigment {image_map {tga...}}}
#declare MyHFFn = function {MyHFImgFn(x, y, z).hf}
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlinknet>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tagpovrayorg
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