In article <4027324f@news.povray.org>,
"Tim Nikias v2.0" <tim.nikias (@) nolights.de> wrote:
> > A related topic: I've been playing around with the idea of an extended
> > density file format (called, imaginatively enough, EDF). SNIP
> Sounds interesting. I guess the technique you might be using is somewhat
> related to the different image-formats to reduce the amount of data. From
> that perspective, the DF3 we use now might be considered a Bitmap, where
> you're going for PNG. Well, PNG might not be it, since it saves the used
> colors beforeend... But you get the idea, I hope.
No...as I said, the voxel version is simply a DF3 file with some
additional headers identifying it as a DF3 file. It will eventually
support some kind of compression, but not immediately. The "sparse"
formats aren't compressed, they just store only the non-0 points. The
overhead of doing so will make the files bigger if more than a certain
percentage of the file is non-0 density. And the procedural version
isn't compressed either, it is analogous to a vector format.
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlinknet>
POV-Ray TAG: <chr### [at] tagpovrayorg>
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