In article <3902feff$1@news.povray.org>, "Greg M. Johnson"
<"gregj;-)56590\""@aol.c;-)om> wrote:
> Can anyone tell me about that black area around the chest? Does this
> mean my figure has some "empty" regions inside it, or is this a
> feature to be expected from regular refraction?
If the ray gets refracted around enough times, POV will stop calculating
and substitute the background color for the last calculation. You can
raise the number of levels by adjusting max_trace_level, and make the
areas less visible by giving the scene a blue background color. The
fade_color patch in MegaPOV might be helpful too, if you aren't already
using it(it looks like you are using either fade_color or absorbing
Christopher James Huff - Personal e-mail: chr### [at] yahoocom
TAG(Technical Assistance Group) e-mail: chr### [at] tagpovrayorg
Personal Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
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