In article <38B### [at] pacbellnet>, lin### [at] povrayorg wrote:
> Most use the gamma excuse but I personaly think most computer users
> generaly have their brightness and contrast controls turned up too
> high. To compensate for this they use lower ambient and diffuse
> settings than would those who have their monitor controls set properly.
There actually are gamma differences between monitors, though. I have
taken the steps to "calibrate" my two monitors by eye, but since I use a
Mac with a lower gamma than PC's, my images might appear darker when
viewed on a PC with software that doesn't do gamma correction.
> If they can be abused they will be 9 out of 5 times by people that
> just don't know what they are doing.
Huh? They will be abused 180% of the time?
Chris Huff
e-mail: chr### [at] yahoocom
Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
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