POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : More of the same... (~132kau) : Re: More of the same... (~132kau) Server Time
18 Feb 2025 16:54:57 EST (-0500)
  Re: More of the same... (~132kau)  
From: Chris Huff
Date: 28 Aug 2000 15:51:28
Message: <chrishuff-E4BF50.14525928082000@news.povray.org>
In article <39aa9dbc@news.povray.org>, "Tony[B]" 
<ben### [at] panamac-comnet> wrote:

> It gets very bright when I do that. Also, the shadows disappear, IIRC.

Try lowering the diffuse of every texture, and avoid pure white in 
non-luminous objects. In reality, there are no perfectly reflective 
surfaces, so when you add levels of recursion, the scene brightens. This 
can't be compensated for automatically, you have to do it yourself.
As for the shadows...they look neat, but aren't exactly realistic under 
those conditions.

> Suppose you could add it to POV? :) Or perhaps Chris feels up to it?

Chris who? Me? Or Colefax, Young, Cason, etc...?

Add what to POV? Hemispherical area lights?
I think a more general area light is needed, maybe a parametric of some 
sort. It would probably make adaptive sampling impossible or at least 
less useful in cases, but could do any sort of sphere sections, cones, 
or other shapes. And it would be better than having twenty different 
types of area lights.
Of course, the fact that I have no idea how to even start doing this is 
a problem...any volunteers?

Christopher James Huff
Personal: chr### [at] maccom, http://homepage.mac.com/chrishuff/
TAG: chr### [at] tagpovrayorg, http://tag.povray.org/


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