abx### [at] abxartpl news:joq210dmca761mvhibm1ffd67baq7u3r7q@4ax.com
> IIRC familiy of HF* macros do that. See shapes.inc standard include
> file (and manual).
Thanks, I'll.
And bout cutting off backgound - using transparent 1 for black kolor will
*not* help, because then still finish would be used (specular, reflection).
Btw, how about 6-th component for color - ignore? <r,g,b,f,t,i>
It's purpose would be to work on finish-based-colors as transparent works
on colors.
I.e. rgbfti <1,1,1,0,1,0> would be a red with 100% trasmit, so only finish
(i.e. specular reflections) will make surface visible, and
rgbfti 1 would make it totaly invisible.
But I dont know is there sense to implementing it, because it's looks like
realy lots of work imho?
#macro g(U,V)(.4*abs(sin(9*sqrt(pow(x-U,2)+pow(y-V,2))))*pow(1-min(1,(sqrt(
pow(x-U,2)+pow(y-V,2))*.3)),2)+.9)#end#macro p(c)#if(c>1)#local l=mod(c,100
);g(2*div(l,10)-8,2*mod(l,10)-8)*p(div(c,100))#else 1#end#end light_source{
y 2}sphere{z*20 9pigment{function{p(26252423)*p(36455644)*p(66656463)}}}//M
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