in news:3f6f5605@news.povray.org Tim Nikias v2.0 wrote:
> E.g. macro's with same
> name, but if I leave out a texture, it
> will still work:
> #macro Tex_Translate(Position,Texture)
> texture{Texture translate Position}
> #end
> #macro Tex_Translate(Texture)
Something like this?:
4.7 More on Defining Functions and further
(there may be a few zeros broken off that link)
Regarding speed, when I made my param.inc file I also did it in python.
The original param.inc only used macros and was quite a bit slower that
its Python equivalent. After rewriting param.inc to using functions the
parse time of both seemed the same at first sight, but SDL was actually
faster. In the same time it took to run the python program, SDL did the
same calculations and also parsed a million triangles. The resulting
file generated by python still had to be read and parsed by POV-Ray
then. So SDL isn't that bad in all cases. In one of the old MegaPOV
versions is a patch for speeding up macros that also helped a lot. And
when I see the speeds that can be reached with for example the
'interpreted' version of ocaml, there must still be some room for
improvement somewhere.
Regarding plugins, why do so many people want these and why do so few
people suggest going in the "opposite way". Chop POV-Ray in two/three
pieces, a raytracing libray (+parser) +API and have the SDL as its prime
implementation. Then everybody could write their scenes in any language
somebody generated a binding for. You could even plug POV-Ray into one
of the big 3D apps, although you probably could do now too if somebody
wrote the stuff that is needed inbetween.
All the above is offcoarse written without being hamperd by any
knowledge of the matter.
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