"Tailkinker" <gro### [at] yahoocouk> wrote in
news:pan### [at] yahoocouk:
> My program is worthless without POV-Ray. But it is freeware.
If your program is freeware then I still don't understand why you need to
charge for distributing your program when the internet exists. However, if
you are determined to distrubute your software on CD and bundle Povray with
it, then, as you determined yourself, you'll need to contact the Povteam to
get permission (see bottom of legal terms for contact info). I suspect,
and this is my opinion only, that if your software really is freeware, then
they will simply ask you to abide to the 2 cents per MB of content on CD
rule. If your software is not freeware, but actually shareware, commercial
or a demo, then I imagine the terms will be different.
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